Rookie's Founders

Roxanne Wise
CEO and Founder
After having my second son as a full-time working mom, I wanted to get healthy again. I started trying out different kinds of exercise and looking into supplements, but felt so intimidated by all of it. For someone who worked out regularly and was trying my best, should it feel this hard?
The more I talked with friends, the more I realized I wasn't the only one who felt that way. Supplements are intimidating and usually sold with a side of six pack abs. I didn’t relate. I wanted to be included in the health club. So I started one.
I created Rookie because I wanted people like me to know they belonged. I wanted to make elite products accessible. In price point, and in marketing.
My hope is that Rookie can simplify supplements enough to lower the barrier to entry and to encourage women to embrace a beginner mindset because that's really the only way we grow.
Rookie isn't about inexperience, it's about bravery. It's about starting today, trying again tomorrow, and eventually making changes for good.

Freida Pinto
Actress, Activist, Co-founder
I found Rookie at a time and place when my body and heart needed it most. I was post-partum with my first son, traveling for filming, and dealing with years of inflammatory gut issues related to a diagnosed autoimmune disorder.
Rookie had sent me a box of products to try and I was hooked. I could not believe the difference I felt, the benefits were immediate, and without any adverse issues I was used to feeling from my disorder. A short time later I joined the company and can’t wait to see it grow!
We are dedicated to bringing the best quality products that addresses both the physical and mental health of people everywhere, and making a community meant to help people feel better and that they belong.